High Availability
Call centers are often mission critical because they server the most important people of your organization. These VIPs are known as customers. Especially if your call center is busy and taking inbound calls which impact bottoms line of your business and business of your customers then HA is not optional it is a must-have.

Following factors can impact call center from total failure to partial failure are below:
- Internet access and services
- Telco issues
- Electricity company
- Hardware failures
- Software failures
- Up keep requirements
- Security issues
- Human errors
Since 2008 Nethawk has developed over 100 critical call centers and providing them continuous support. Our clients remain with us for years because High Availability is not just a technique rather it is a promise we make based on our best-practices and other measure below but not limited to.
- Minimizing of single points of failure
- Load balancing
- Fast fault detection
- Fast replacement of failed components
- Switch over and rebalancing
- Real-time configuration updates
- Resiliency
- Provisioning for spare capacity
- Introduction of component and server into service and out of service on the go
- Disaster recovery to another datacenter
Minimizing of single points of failure
We propose modeler architectural design of system that minimize single point of failure. On hardware layer it includes multiple gateways to achieve total sum, likewise switches and physical servers etc. On software level we separate Daatbase from other components like dialer and webserver etc. This gives us enough room to create reliable system.
Load balancing
When a serice component depends on services of another component, it uses an active component list from configuration service. To service a request, it selects components from the list in a round-robin fashion. Load if shared between components and hardware machines in order to optimize maximum throughput.
Fast fault detection
We have developed tools that monitor overall ride of the call center. Whenever something goes wrong either customer or we both gets an email alert of system failure.
Fast replacement of failed components
We have replica of all the components. Whenever a component fails we replacement it online. We inject new component within moments to restore the service. As for hardware components we prefer to use hot swap components in your call center infrastructure.
Switch over and Rebalancing
In case of Active / Passive server model. Keepalives from configuration assets monitor servers. In Case one server goes down other will take over the job without much interruption. Same time failed part of reported to us. However switch over and rebalancing is a quick fix and a sitch just in time.
Real-time configuration updates
System is connected to our main software version servers. As we release latest version of entire software or part of it. Your call center server receives real-time configuration update
System is resilient when small to mid level failure does not impact critical operations negatively. There are more than one parallel processes responsible to performing a tasks even if some part of it fails.
Provisioning for spare capacity
Note that redundant capacity does not mean duplication of all components, as we use N+1 paradigm, which means redundant capacity must exceed or be equal to possible falling capacity. We propose and design system with provision to many things that might hit the system with reasonable probability.
Introduction of component and server into service and out of service on the go
An enterprise grade server enable us change it many parts without shutting it down, in a mission critical call center it has become almost affordable to upgrade or repair.
Disaster recovery to another datacenter
We have data centers and partners in major cities of Pakistan eg Islamabad and Karachi for Disaster recovery. Our back system even exists outside Pakistan in UK and USA too, and have a real-time backup function in place.